Monday, July 28, 2008

I'll Drink To That, I'm Not Particular.

IF I initially reacted to this picture as I should have, I would have only contributed to the subway's already defiled state.

For the readers who also know me fairly well, they can imagine my thought processes upon seeing this...thing. You can click on the picture to see it larger, but, at first glance, this is an advertisement for a pill that would turn one into the famed and vomitous Kanye West. It can work wonders on any person, even if you are an old-ass balding white man. In actuality, this is an advertisement for Absolut Vodka*. So the pill is the vodka in reality? It's hard to say, none of this makes too much sense. The only way to tell the ad's tie to Absolut is at the top, "Available exclusively in an Absolut world". I must have simply not realized "dystopia" is synonymous with "utopia".

*This is the full advertisement in all of its animated splendor, the link to the above picture is in the lower left: http://www.probablythegayestthingIhaveeverseentherearetoo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...way too much effort was put into an advertisement that appeals to maybe 1% of the vodka-drinking populaton right now. What an absolut waste of $$.